1. 250 grams of Ari Nellikai

2. Salt to taste
3. Hing powder to taste
4. Chilli powder to taste
5. Turmeric powder to taste
6. Jaggery to taste
7. Oil
8. Mustard seeds
1. Remove the seeds from the Ari Nellikai and cut it into small pieces. (This can be quite an uphill task, as I discovered, but the hard labour is totally worth the wonderful finished product.)

2. Heat a little oil in a kadhai and add mustard seeds. Allow them to splutter.
3. Add the hing powder to taste.
4. Add the nellikai pieces and cook on low flame till it gets a little soft.
5. After it gets soft, add salt, chilli powder and turmeric powder to taste and mix well. Cook for a while.
6. When it is mixed well, add crushed jaggery as per taste. Mix well and cook for a while.
That's it, and you get some mouth-watering pickle!

One of the few things that I miss here...I love nellika pachidi...I get these in brine but doesn't taste as good as fresh ones...
Oh I see.. Ari Nellikai is the best.. Fresh ones.. I just adore the Ari Nellikai Urugai. :)
BTW have never tasted Nellikai Pachadi! :O
Never tasted nellika pachidi!!
I thought all Iyers make nellika pachidi on Dwadasi...Vaikunta Ekadasiku adutha naal...(they make pachidi out of the bigger ones...but I prefer these)...I usually make nellika pachidi before cold/flu season...
Yep, never tasted Nellikai Pacchadi. For that matter, I never knew Vaikunta Ekadasi existed till I came to Bangalore...
My maamiyaar makes something called Nellikai Arachakalaki. Not sure if it's the same thing that you're referring to. :)
Yes..I googled the recipe for Nellikai Aracha is very similar...
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